2022 Annual Report

9 An agronomy research group purchased nuclear gauges for measuring soil moisture several years ago. The research group never used the gauges, so EH&S trained and assisted them in refurbishing the equipment. What happened: EH&S helped the researchers interpret the manufacturer’s training and user manual. ● During testing and training for operation and safety, EH&S found that two of the four gauges needed a battery replacement. EH&S safely opened the battery compartments so the researchers could order new batteries and complete the replacement. ● EH&S also prepared procedures and transportation paperwork for the agronomy researchers to reference. Of note: The agronomy researchers collaborated with colleagues at the University of NebraskaLincoln (UN-L), and EH&S worked with the UN-L radiation safety officer to arrange field training for the Iowa State researchers to use their nuclear gauges for a project located in Nebraska. Big picture: EH&S doesn’t just have expert knowledge; it also has meaningful relationships across campus and externally that can help cultivate unique (and often economical) solutions for university departments. ■ Soil gauge instrument like those acquired by the Iowa State research group. 34 TOTAL DEVICES CALIBRATED FOR ISU CAMPUS IN 2022