Ergonomics Introduction

6 Ergonomics Signs and Symptoms of a MSD Employees suffering from MSDs may experience lessened grip strength, decreased range of motion, loss of muscle function, and the inability to do everyday tasks. Common symptoms may include: • back or neck pain • burning sensation • fingers or toes turning white • pain, tingling, or numbness in hands or feet • pain in wrists, shoulders, forearms, or knees • painful joints • shooting or stabbing pains in arms or legs • stiffness • swelling or inflammation Ergonomics Programs at Iowa State University As part of a comprehensive health and safety program, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) offers Iowa State University (ISU) employees a variety of ergonomic resources. Employees can choose from ergonomic workstation evaluations, online training, or online resource information. If you would like to learn more about a particular topic, please visit the EH&S online ergonomics page. Online information includes ergonomic services available to ISU employees, an eBook for information on various ergonomically related topics and material on ergonomic risk factors. Additional links provide information on lifting and computer workstation concerns. Worksite Evaluation EH&S offers ergonomic a worksite evaluation for a fee. The purpose of an ergonomic evaluation is to identify occupational injury risk factors and make appropriate recommendations based on current guidelines. To request a worksite evaluation: • Inform your supervisor about your concerns and that you would like to schedule an evaluation. • Fill out the Ergonomic Questionnaire and submit to EH&S.