Ergonomics Introduction

7 Ergonomics • Provide an account number. Basic ergonomic evaluations are available for a fee. Refer to the Fee Schedule for pricing. • Call EH&S at (515) 294-5359 to schedule an evaluation. Causes of MSDs As is the case with many medical conditions, exact causes of MSDs are not always known. Both non-occupational and occupational factors can contribute to the development of MSDs. Work-related MSDs may be caused or exacerbated by exposure to the following risk factors. Contact stress Pressing the body against a hard or sharp edge can result in placing too much pressure on nerves, tendons and blood vessels. For example, using the palm of your hand as a hammer or resting your arms against a sharp counter top or desk edge can increase your MSD risk. Awkward postures Posture affects muscle groups that are involved in physical activity. Awkward postures include repeated or prolonged reaching, twisting, bending, kneeling, squatting, working overhead with your hands or arms, or holding fixed positions. Forceful exertions Force is the amount of physical effort required to perform a task (such as heavy lifting) or maintaining control of equipment or tools. The amount of force depends on the type of grip, the weight of an object, body posture, the type of activity, and the duration of the task. Repetition Repeating the same motions over and over again places stress on muscles and tendons. The severity of risk depends on how often the action is repeated, the speed of the movement, the number of muscles involved and the required force. Vibration Operating vibrating tools over extended periods of time may lead to nerve damage. Examples of vibrating tools include sanders, grinders, chippers, routers, drills, and saws.