Ergonomics Introduction

9 Ergonomics Online Training An online ergonomics training course entitled “Office Ergonomics” is available through Learn@ISU . This course focuses on the prevention of repetitive motion injury, proper workstation configurations, and information on computer-related eyestrain. A “Sprains and Strains” classroom course is also available through the Learn@ISU. Work-Related Injuries, Illnesses, or Exposures Iowa State University employees exposed or injured while at work or in the course of employment may seek medical attention at the McFarland Clinic PC, Occupational Medicine Department, 1215 Duff Ave, Ames, IA; (515) 239-4496. Supervisors should call the McFarland Clinic Occupational Medicine Department during regular work hours to schedule an appointment for the employee. Any relevant safety information such as an SDS should accompany the employee to the appointment. Medical Emergencies If injury, illness, or exposure is life threatening, dial 911. Be prepared to provide any relevant safety information, such as an SDS. When an employee requires emergency treatment, the incident must be reported to EH&S (515) 294-5359 as soon as possible. Provide assistance to injured or exposed personnel by following the First Aid Procedures . Reporting All work related injuries, illnesses, or exposures must be reported to the employee’s supervisor, even when medical attention is not required or is refused by the employee: An Incident Report must be completed by the injured employee and/or the supervisor through the ISU Incident Portal within 24 hours of the incident. Upon submission of the report, the supervisor will receive an email requesting information relating to the incident investigation as part of the incident reporting process. The supervisor is asked to reply directly to the email with answers to the questions asked within 24 hours of receiving the email. Questions regarding the form may be forwarded to University Human Resources at (515) 294-3753. Contact EH&S at (515) 294-5359 for guidance and assistance, especially when a serious injury or major loss occurs. For additional information access EH&S accidents and injuries page.