Fire Safety Guidelines

Directory of Service and Emergency Providers 3
Non-discrimination Statement 3
Introduction 5
Fire Safety Guidelines 5
Prepare 6
Plan Ahead 6
Evacuation Routes 6
Hazardous Chemical Labeling and Inventory 6
Fire Doors and Wedges 7
Fire Alarm System 8
Sprinkler Systems 7
Learn to identify sprinkler heads 7
Protect the heads 8
Fire Department Connections 8
Fire Extinguishers 8
Hot Work Program 9
Prevent 10
Flammable and Combustible Materials 10
Electrical Safety 12
Extension Cords, Outlets, and Surge Protectors 12
Space Heaters 12
Building Electrical 12
1. Electrical panels in hallways and occupied rooms MUST NOT be blocked. 12
2. Mechanical Rooms CANNOT be used for general storage. 12
Candles and Open Flames 13
Fireworks, Pyrotechnics, and Flame Effects 13
Smoking 13
Arson 13
Respond 14
Emergency Actions 14
In the event of a fire 14