Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines

7 Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines B. Storage Proper storage is critical for the safe use of compressed and liquefied gases. Hazard information regarding the gases stored should be prominently posted in cylinder storage areas. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 704 diamond, with a cylinder indicated in the “specific hazard” (white) section of the diamond and the corresponding flammability, health and reactivity hazard sections also marked, is an accepted method of signage. Other storage requirements are outlined below. Requirements Store gas cylinders: • In an upright position. • Within a well-ventilated area. • Separate from empty cylinders. • In the order in which they are received. • With a chain or appropriate belt above the midpoint, but below the shoulder. Cylinders less than 18 inches tall may be secured by approved stands or wall brackets. • With the cap on when not in use. • Gases with the same hazard class are stored in the same area. Inert gases are compatible with all other gases and may be stored together. • At least 20 feet away from all flammable, combustible or incompatible substances. Storage areas that have a noncombustible wall at least 5 feet in height and with a fire resistance rating of at least 30 minutes may be used to segregate gases of different hazard classes in close proximity to each other. Do not store gas cylinders : • In exits or egress routes. • In damp areas; near salt, corrosive chemicals, fumes, heat; or exposed to the weather without a roof housing. • Longer than one year without use.