Hot Work Permit Guidelines

13 Hot Work Permit Guidelines A contractor performing hot work G. What hot work safety training is required? EH&S Training Individuals involved in hot work are required to complete hot work training, including supervisors, permit authorizing individuals, hot work operators, and fire watch personnel. The following EH&S courses must be completed: • Hot Work Permit Training - required upon initial assignment and refresher training required every five years. • Fire Extinguisher Training - required once a year. It is strongly recommended that the hands-on classroom training be completed for the initial class. The online fire extinguisher training course may be completed for the yearly refresher requirement. Departmental Training Managers shall train employees on departmental Hot Work Permit procedures and specific safety procedures for the type of hot work equipment used. This training shall be completed upon initial assignment and cover the following subjects: • Safety procedures specific to the equipment used. • Required personal protective equipment for job tasks. • Identification of Permit Authorizing Individuals and how they can be contacted. • Where to file copies of completed Hot Work Permits. • Locations of designated hot work rooms where a Hot Work Permit is not required.