Shop Safety Manual

19 Shop Safety F. Training Training plays a role in preventing injuries and promoting safe work practices. Training should be undertaken by new shop users and be refreshed at regular intervals. Satisfactory completion of training must be documented and retained for at least one year after termination or graduation. Documentation should include an agenda describing the training and a dated sign-in sheet for all attendees. The Iowa State University (ISU) Shop/Tool Use Safety Agreement includes a listing of general shop rules and sign-offs as well as spaces for specific equipment authorizations. EH&S Training Safety training is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students through Learn@ISU. Required training for shop users shall include: • Shop Safety Fundamentals • Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Training • Emergency Response Guide Video • HazardCommunicationTraining Safety training resources are available on the shop safety web page. • Equipment safety procedures covering operational information on specific pieces of equipment • Tool Box Talks covering shop safety topics • Emergency planning Site Specific Training Training beyond the minimum, site-specific training will be determined by the shop supervisor based on the hazards present and activities performed in each shop space. Shop users must receive site-specific training on the following topics: • Procedures for responding to emergencies as outlined in the Emergency Action Plan. • Procedures and proper use of all tools in the shop area. • Location of references describing hazards and safe practices associated with materials, procedures, or tools (safety data sheets (SDS), standard operating procedures (SOPs), equipment safety procedure). • Physical, and/or chemical hazards in the work area, including signs and symptoms of exposure, allowable chemical exposure limits and protective measures users should take to avoid exposure or injury. • Proper waste management and disposal procedures Document any additional training using the Site Specific Training form.