Bloodborne Pathogens Manual
12 Bloodborne Pathogens Manual ¤¤ Documentation of the exposure route, the HBV and HIV antibody status of the exposure source individual (if known), and the circumstances under which the exposure occurred. ¤¤ Blood collection and testing of the source individual to determine the presence of HBV or HIV infection if the source individual is known and permission is obtained. The source individual’s test results will be made available to the exposed employee, and the employee will be informed of applicable laws and regulations concerning disclosure of the identity and infectious nature of the source individual. When the source individual is known to be infected with HIV or HBV, testing of the source individual’s blood need not be repeated. ¤¤ Collection of blood from the exposed employee as soon as possible after the exposure incident for determination of HIV and/or HBV status. (Actual testing may be done at that time or at a later date if the employee so requests.) ¤¤ Additional follow-up, including antibody or antigen testing, counseling, illness reporting, and safe and effective post-exposure treatment according to standard recommendations for medical practice. Reporting All work related injuries, illnesses, or exposures must be reported to the employee’s supervisor, even when medical attention is not required or is refused by the employee: An Incident Report (IR) must be completed by the injured employee and/or the supervisor through the ISU Incident Portal . within 24 hours of the incident. Upon submission of the report, the supervisor will receive an email requesting information relating to the Accident Investigation as part of the incident reporting process. The supervisor is asked to reply directly to the email with answers to the questions asked within 24 hours of receiving the email. Questions regarding the form may be forwarded to University Human Resources at (515) 294-3753. Contact Environmental Health and Safety at (515) 294-5359 for guidance and assistance, especially when a serious injury or major loss occurs. For additional information acces s EH&S accidents and injuries page . Student Accidents and Injuries Students not employed by Iowa State University who are exposed or injured in the classroom or laboratory should seek medical attention at the Thielen Student Health Center, 2647 Union Refer to the Accidents and Injuries web page for more information.
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