Asbestos Safety Manual

9 Asbestos Safety Manual Environmental Health and Safety for repair or removal. Under no circumstances should custodial or general maintenance staff attempt to repair, clean up, or remove ACM themselves. In addition, it is the responsibility of FP&M and DOR to: • Ensure that university policies and guidelines regarding the handling of asbestos are communicated and followed. • Ensure that adequate resources are provided to properly maintain ACM. • Coordinate abatement actions with EH&S. • Provide proper training and personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees working with asbestos. Managers and Supervisors It is the primary responsibility of managers and supervisors to ensure that the information and procedures presented in this manual are strictly followed. Individual Employees Custodial, maintenance, and general university staff are expected to avoid activities that might result in damage or disturbance of ACM. It is imperative that persons who handle materials or occupy areas containing asbestos be prudent in their efforts to follow the guidelines presented in this manual. Individuals have a responsibility to: • Take no actions which will result in the disturbance of ACM. Use care when moving furniture near asbestos insulated piping and other ACM to avoid contact damage. • Report evidence of deterioration, water damage, or delamination to EH&S by calling (515) 294-5359 or FP&M at (515) 294-5100. • Custodial, maintenance staff, and their supervisors who work in buildings that may contain ACM are required to complete Asbestos Awareness annually. Training may be completed online through Learn@ISU. • Consult with supervisors regarding the handling of ACM. Contact EH&S with questions or other concerns. Abatement Workers Individuals designated to remove asbestos are required to take an asbestos training course that meets the standards of the Iowa Administrative Code. This course consists of four days of class and hands-on training for general asbestos workers and five days of class and hands-on training for personnel authorized as supervisors. Workerswhohavehad this trainingare theonlypeople authorized to cleanup, repair, or remove asbestos-containing materials Note: Trained workers are the only people authorized to cleanup, repair, or remove asbestoscontaining materials. Contact EH&S with questions or other concerns at (515) 294-5359.