Employee Helpful Stuff

14 Employee Helpful Stuff COMPUTERS AND DRIVES Computers and software are provided for employees use. Computer drives include: • C: computer hard drive • F: your personal drive that can be opened at any computer • H: department files • N: FAMIS • O: training • P: publications • R: restricted It is good practice to always save documents to your F drive, H drive, or CyBox. If software is needed for your computer please see the training and communications manager, systems analyst, or administrative services coordinator. DEADLINE CALENDAR The EH&S Key Due Dates and Deadlines document is used as a reference tool that lists all key due dates and deadlines for the calendar year. October of each year, EH&S directors and managers will review and update as needed. The document is then posted on EH&S Intranet > Document Library > Staff Information > 20xx Calendar. DIRECTOR/MANAGER MONTHLY MEETING The directors and managers have a monthly meeting. Each manager creates and emails amonthly report toEH&S staff. The report summarizes completed activities and a status updates of initiatives. This report is used by the directors for monthly reporting to the Senior Vice President for University Services. It also serves as a reference for preparation of the departmental annual report and other administrative reports during the year. The Manager’s Monthly Report is due by close of business the day prior to scheduled monthly meeting. The SOP for the Manager Monthly report i s available on the Intranet. DOCUMENTS A Style Guide is available to create clear, consistent, and easy to read correspondence and publications by EH&S. It offers references to some troublesome editorial issues. Printed and online publications represent the university and EH&S, written style and graphic standards are vital to our image.