Employee Helpful Stuff

15 Employee Helpful Stuff FILING Documentation (correspondence, reports, notes to the file, or equipment manuals) should be given to the admin staff for filing. A bin labeled Filing located in the Distribution Center (1122). There are two main sections in the office files: subject and reading (a chronological record filed by the name of the individual who generated the information). An additional copy may be requested for individual files. The admin staff maintain a database which contain all the EH&S file names and locations. A complete list of the files is available in a binder located in the admin area. Staff should not make or discard files without notifying the admin staff. If a new file is needed, ask the admin staff to help to insure the file is labeled properly and recorded in the database. The admin staff is available to help locate any filed documents. Files, backers, or any filed information should not be taken out of the Document Center without admin staff assistance. The check-out card is placed in the file where the file folder was located. Any documents that are taken off backers should be reassembled and put back in the original condition. LUNCH ROOM DUTY Always clean up after yourself. Everyone pitches in to help clean the lunch room, see the policies and monitoring schedule that is posted in the lunch room for further details. Custodial services does not provide services for the lunch room; therefore, always clean up after yourself. A schedule is created of two staff members to be responsible for cleaning the room each week. The lunch room schedule is available on the intranet, emailed to staff, and appears weekly on the POW (plan of the week). The EHSSB lunch room monitoring duties is available on the intranet. MAIL The SOP for sending/receiving mail i s located on the intranet. Postal and Parcel Services Postal and Parcel Services, located in the General Services Building, provides delivery and pick-up of all U.S., international, and interdepartmental (campus) mail for Iowa State University. Mail service is daily at approximately 1:30 pm. The campus mail system cannot be used for personal mail. Incoming Mail Opening Mail/Date Stamping: All mail will be opened by admin staff/students except envelopes marked confidential. A date stamp