Employee Helpful Stuff
20 Employee Helpful Stuff would be paid the last working day of the month. Hours worked the second half of the month (16 – last day) would be paid the 15th of the following month. If the 15th or the last day of the month falls on a Saturday or Sunday, payday will be the prior Friday. Information regarding Workday Payroll information, Direct Deposit, reading your pay stub, and tax information is found n the Controllers web page. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS Employees receive a performance evaluation annually. Merit Evaluations Merit employees receive a performance evaluation after six months of employment and annually thereafter. A month before the evaluation is due, University Human Resources (UHR) will email the supervisor with information regarding the performance evaluation. The Evaluation and Confirmation of Evaluation forms will be included in the email. After the evaluation is conducted by the supervisor; the employee, supervisor, and director must sign the Merit Performance Appraisal Confirmation Form. The confirmation and evaluation forms are given to the admin services coordinator. A copy will be given to the employee, the original conformation form is sent to UHR, and a copy of the confirmation form and original evaluation form is filed in the employee’s personnel file. Professional & Scientific (P&S) Evaluations For new P&S employees, three and six month evaluations are completed. The admin services coordinator sends a reminder to the direct supervisor to complete. The same form is used for the three and six month evaluation. The employee should be given a copy of the evaluation and the original given to the admin services coordinator to be filed in the employee’s personnel file. Performance evaluations are conducted annually by the supervisor and employee to give both an opportunity to assess employee performance for the past year and to establish performance objectives. Interaction should be a continual part of the supervisor-employee relationship. After the evaluation is conducted by the supervisor; the employee, supervisor, and director must sign the P&S Performance Appraisal Confirmation Form. The confirmation and evaluation forms are then given to the admin services coordinator. A copy will be given to the employee, the original conformation form is sent to UHR, and a copy of the confirmation form and original evaluation form is filed in the employee’s personnel file. H:\Admin\PERSONNL\Performance: P&S Confirmation Form ( PDF) and P&S Performance Review Template (DOC) Resource information and forms are found on UHR’s website, Employee Management.