Employee Helpful Stuff

22 Employee Helpful Stuff prohibited. Use of tobacco products is prohibited on campus. Professional Attire EH&S office attire is business or business casual. You should use your best judgment when deciding the appropriateness of the clothes you wear. Acceptable Not Acceptable slacks denim blue jeans (students excluded) dresses/skirts t-shirts (students excluded) shirts/polos low-cut tops/tank tops blouses shorts sweaters athletic clothing clothing with ISU branding clothing with advertisement or obscene language business appropriate shoes athletic shoes (students excluded) or Flip-flops Clothing should be size and length appropriate, modest, clean, and well kept (no rips, frays, or tears). If you have questions about the appropriateness of your attire, you should seek guidance from your supervisor or the admin services coordinator. Meetings and Training: Business casual is acceptable for most meetingsand training.Whenmeetingwithuniversity administrators, deans, directors, or other non-university personnel of equal or greater positions, business attire should be worn. Business attire would include a jacket or tie with acceptable clothing listed above. Hazardous Areas and Dirty Work: Proper personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn when working in or visiting laboratories, shops, or construction sites. When working in a dirty environment, jeans, overalls, and t-shirts are permitted when approved by your supervisor. Changing rooms, lockers, and showers are provided for employees to change into standard office attire before returning to your office space or leaving for the day. Students: When school is in session, student employees can wear jeans and nice shirt, top, sweater, and/or ISU apparel; otherwise, business casual is preferred. Refer to the table above for acceptable and non-acceptable clothing options. Laboratories and shops: Always wear your EH&S ID badge. Laboratory coats should only be worn in a laboratory. Wear appropriate PPE; no open-toed shoes, shorts, or skirts. Promptness/Out of Office Staff members should arrive on time for work, meetings, or training