Employee Helpful Stuff
24 Employee Helpful Stuff STAFF ID CARDS The university provides staff identification cards at the request of campus departments. The cards are obtained through the ISU Card Office, 0530 Beardshear. A photo I.D. is required to obtain an ID Card. As a service department to the university it is important for EH&S staff to provide identification when requested. Please see the account clerk for further details on ordering ID Cards. The admin staff have badge holders for all staff and students to use. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) A template for creating a standard operating procedure (SOP) has been established for use. Save SOPs in the SOP folder on the H drive under the appropriate program area. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Staffmembers are expected to participate in professional development opportunities as the budget allows. By improving your professional skills through training, professional meetings, and credentials, you contribute to the overall excellence of our department and university. EH&S has an established Professional Development and Certification Policy. EH&S staff who wish to attend a professional development seminar/workshop on campus or in Ames must fill out either an On- campus/Ames Professional Development Request/Authorization o r a Travel Authorization for off-campus and outside of Ames seminars and workshops. The appropriate form should be used to request the use of work time to attend any training or professional development sessions, including EH&S training and on-campus/off-campus professional development sessions. The form should be signed by the employee and their program manager and routed to the director for approval. The permanent signed copy of the form is kept in the EH&S accounting files as a means of tracking professional development and the associated costs. If staff receive a certificate of completion for training (other than EH&S) and or professional certificates, a copy should be given to the administrative services coordinator for the personnel file