Employee Helpful Stuff

26 Employee Helpful Stuff FAMIS - BILLING FAMIS is a web application we use for billing. Detailed SOPs are located at H:\AllStaff\SOPs\FAMIS Billing For one-time billing, where a part does not already exist in FAMIS, fill out a Benchstock Request. Submit the form to the clerk IV to process in FAMIS. Issuing Parts to a Work Order SOP. Reports Reports from FAMIS are created using the Discoverer application. For a list of helpful reports that are available, see Reports in Discoverer . Custom reports can also be created by Facilities Planning and Management (FP&M) See the admin services coordinator if you would like a report created. Time Tracking Famis is only used to record billable hours se e Labor Time Card SOP . Work Orders To create a new work order see the Creating a Service Request Directly from FAMIS SOP. To close a work order see the Closing Work Orders SOP. INTRANET To login to the Intranet go to Sharepoint. Permissions are set up with email rights. See the Intranet SOP for detailed instructions. In/Out Board It is important to use the in/out board when leaving the building. Sign-out when leaving for a meeting, an appointment, gone for the day, or lunch outside of the normal lunch hour. You can always let the front staff know and they will sign you out. Remember to sign back in when you return. 1. Click on In/Out Board 2. Click on your name 3. Click Edit Item 4. You may enter an Internal Note (for EH&S staff) and a note for Public Display 5. Change the status to in, out, vac, etc. 6. Enter the date and time the leave will end 7. Click Save