Employee Helpful Stuff

30 Employee Helpful Stuff CATASTROPHIC ILLNESS/LEAVE Catastrophic illness or injury is any medical condition for which a physician has certified is likely to result in a loss of 30 or more workdays. Donations of accrued leave time may be made from accrued vacation and converted sick leave. Donations must be made in increments of one hour or more. Donations are acceptable only up to the 90 working day waiting period (eligibility for long term disability benefits) less the recipient’s accrued leave time. The receipt of donations will close when the maximum number of hours is reached. Excess donations received before the closure will be pro-rated and the excess returned. Donations received after closure will be returned.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Many of the safety programs handled by EH&S deal with confidential information. All staff must read and sign the EH&S Confidential & Security Agreement form. • Any paperwork involving confidential information should be filed appropriately. No paperwork should be thrown in the wastebasket if it contains confidential information. There is a shredder in the file room. Examples of confidential information include a person’s name with information such as social security number, work hazard, work injury, test results, or birthdates. • Information about a person’s work level exposures to any hazard is only released to the person directly or to a specified party authorized by the exposed individual. We need to have a permanent record of this release information, dated and signed by the individual involved. EMERGENCY Not to exceed five days per calendar year (up to 40 hours for full time employees) plus prior year carryover hours, if available, for the care of and necessary attention to ill or injured members of the employee’s immediate family. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE (FMLA) FMLA provides eligible employees with job-protected leave for qualifying events or circumstances. Under the FMLA, leave may be taken in continuous full-time periods or may include a reduced or intermittent schedule when medically necessary or for a qualifying exigency due to a call to active duty. When intermittent or reduced schedule leave is needed to care for an immediate family member or the employee’s own illness, and is for planned medical treatment, See the University Human Resources site for information on all available types of leave.