Employee Helpful Stuff

35 Employee Helpful Stuff The following criteria must be met before a P-Card can be used: • The order must total less than $4,900.00. • The item is not available in cyBuy (or was found cheaper elsewhere and approval was given by Procurement Services to make the purchase). • Manager/Director approvals have been given and purchase requisition submitted to admin staff. • The vendor accepts credit cards as payment. Bookstore Order Form: The Bookstore or TechCyte have their own form, submit to the Finance Service Team. Intramural Purchase Order: To order from other university departments, submit an Intramural Purchase Order form to the account clerk. Purchase Requisitions: Purchases that aren’t through cyBuy and off campus, should use the Purchase Requisition Form. PRINTING SIGNS AND LABELS Give a purchase requisition to the clerk IV for signs and labels printed outside of EH&S. The clerk IV will edit the documents and request an estimate. These documents must be done in In-Design. REGISTRATIONS Registrations for training classes don’t need purchase requisitions, the Travel Authorization completed in Workday and approved by the manager and director is sufficient. Most registrations can be paid with P-Card. See our PES to register and pay for training classes. SUBSCRIPTIONS/RENEWALS Staff members interested in receiving professional magazines or journals should submit a purchase requisition, along with information about the publication, to the director for approval. All publications purchased with departmental funds will become part of the EH&S library and will be available to all staff members. WORKTAGS A detailed list of worktags and dept details click here.