Employee Helpful Stuff

46 Employee Helpful Stuff I. Safety ALARMS Alarms in EHSSB include: Chemical Spill • “Chemical Spill” blue stations are throughout the RMF. • Flashing clear light - fire strobe lights. • Audible alarm with voice stating “May I have your attention please? There is an emergency in the Regulated Materials section of the building. All non-essential personnel must evacuate the building by using the nearest exit.” • Evacuation meeting place: Lobby/WOW Center of Extension 4-H Youth Building. Fire Alarm • “Fire”- red stations are located throughout the building. • Flashing clear light - fire strobe lights. • Audible alarm with voice stating “May I have your attention please? There has been a fire reported in the building. Please proceed to the nearest exit and leave the building.” • Evacuation meeting place: Lobby/WOW Center of Extension 4-H Youth Building. Tornado Alert • “WeatherAlert” yellowstation is located in1122Documentation Center. • Rotating amber light. • Audible alarm with voice stating “May I have your attention please? A tornado warning has been issued for this area. Please follow the signs to the nearest tornado shelter. Stay away from windows and glass.” • Proceed to Emergency Equipment Storage (1322) and Fire Extinguisher Maintenance (1323). Other Alarms All Clear • No visual. • Voice stating “May I have your attention please? May I have your attention please? This is an all clear. This is an all clear. Please resume normal work activities .” • Control panels are located in the front foyer (1320) and rear foyer (1325).