Employee Helpful Stuff

50 Employee Helpful Stuff Hazard Inventory Form Each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all new employees, and existing employees whose job hazards have changed, complete a Hazard Inventory Form. Information from this form is evaluated by EH&S to determine whether the employee needs to participate in the Occ Med medical surveillance program. Appointment Scheduling Make appointments for physicals through the Occ Med Office, G11 Technical and Administrative Services Building (TASF), 2408 Pammel Drive, Ames, IA 50011-1015, (515) 294-2056. PROTECTING THE SAFETY, HEALTH, AND ENVIRONMENT OF THE ISU COMMUNITY Iowa State University strives to be a model for safety, health, and environmental excellence in teaching, research, extension, and the management of its facilities. SAFETY TRAINING NEEDS With the assistance of supervisor, complete and/or review safety training needs (STN) assessment to identify necessary safety training for your position. The STN is found on Learn@ISU, My Menu, My Safety Training Needs. SEVERE WEATHER NOTIFICATION PLAN EH&S has developed guidelines to alert staff of severe weather. There is a Severe Weather Notification Plan . SUSPICIOUS PACKAGES Log onto the Learn@ISU site. Go to Course Catalog and take the Suspicious Package Recognition Training online training. SPILL CONTROL KITS Accidental spills of chemicals in laboratories should be cleaned up by the individual laboratory. For this purpose, each department should have one or more chemical spill control kits ready. Kits may be obtained through various commercial vendors or Central Stores. TORNADO SHELTER EH&S Severe Weather Shelter Areas: • EHSSB – rooms 1322 and 1323 • Vet Med Incinerator – basement area below incinerator For more information see Division of Operations and Finance.