Formaldehyde Awareness
10 Formaldehyde Awareness Irritant Effects Formaldehyde irritates mucous membranes including the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Exposures to Formalin and other formaldehyde-containing solutions can also irritate the skin, resulting in varying degrees of burns or rashes. Repeated exposures to low levels (or a few exposures to high concentrations) of formaldehyde can lead to sensitization. “Sensitization” is an allergic reaction to a chemical agent due to previous contact with that material. Once sensitized, the allergic reaction is often more severe than after the initial contact, and may not be limited to the site of exposure. Typical allergic reactions to formaldehyde include headache, skin rashes, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and upper respiratory system. Carcinogen Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has identified formaldehyde as a human carcinogen. As such, any formaldehyde container must be labeled with the name and include a cancer warning. Several other organizations have also researched formaldehyde’s carcinogenicity. The table below lists their designations. Carcinogen Classification of Formaldehyde ACGIH* Confirmed human carcinogen IARC + Carcinogenic to humans OSHA’’ Carcinogen NIOSH - Potential occupational carcinogen NTP o Known to be a human carcinogen * American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists + International Agency for Research on Cancer ‘‘ Occupational Safety and Health Administration ¨ National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health o National Toxicology Program Signs and Symptoms of Exposure It is important that you are able to recognize signs and symptoms of formaldehyde exposure. Exposure to high levels of formaldehyde can cause: • watery eyes • burning sensations in eyes, nose and throat • skin rashes