Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines

17 Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines Fuel, High Pressure and Oxidizing Gases Fuel gases often use a combination of flammable and oxidizing gases. Use of fuel gases must comply with: • OSHA 29 CFR1910.253--Oxygen-Fuel Gas Welding and Cutting. • 29 CFR1910.102--Acetylene. • 29 CFR1910.103--Hydrogen. • CompressedGasAssociation (CGA) Pamphlet G-1: “Acetylene.” • CGA Pamphlet SB-8: “Use of Oxy-fuel Gas Welding and Cutting Apparatus.” • NFPA Standard 51: “Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes.” High pressure gases can be rated up to 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Typical uses for high pressure gases include: • inert welding gas mixtures • cryogenics • non-toxic gas distribution • medical gas distribution • emergency oxygen services In addition to any gas-specific hazards, high pressure gases should carry a caution label. Oxidizing gases are non-flammable. Oxidizing gases, in the presence of an ignition source and fuel, can support and vigorously accelerate combustion. These gases include: • oxygen • chlorine • fluorine • nitrous oxide Do not use oil in any apparatus where oxygen will be used. • Gauges and regulators for oxygen shall bear the warning “OXYGEN - USE NO OIL.”