Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines
8 Gas Cylinder Safety Guidelines Storage Quantity and Volume The maximum allowed usage and storage of flammable or toxic compressed gases within a laboratory work area are defined in Table 1. Table 1. Maximum Expanded Volume Quantity (ft³) Limitations for Flammable or Toxic Compressed or Liquefied Gas Cylinders in Laboratories (1)* Ventilated Enclosure Sprinklered Room Ventilated Enclosure Non- Sprinklered Room Non- Ventilated Enclosure Sprinklered Room Non-Ventilated Enclosure Non-Sprinklered Room Highly Toxic (2) 40 20 No No Toxic / Corrosives (2) (4) 3240 1620 1620 810 Flammable (3) 4000 2000 2000 1000 Notes (1) Consult manufacturer for expanded volume data for various sized cylinders. (2) International Building Code (IBC) definition listed in Appendix I. (3) Appendix II: Any material with a “y” in the flammability column (for materials classified as both flammable and toxic, defer to the toxic limitations). (4) All ammonia storage containers must be stored and used in a ventilated enclosure, per EH&S requirement. * 2006 International Building Code Contact EH&S, (515) 294-5359 or Ames Laboratory Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH), (515) 294-2153 if you have cylinder use questions.