Just the Facts FY18
From hazardous waste to air quality to stormwater runoff, there are programs in place to protect our environment and reduce ISU’s environmental impact. 12 non-domestic waste water sewer samples collected 111 hazardous air emission units reviewed 268 storm water inspections completed 1,450 gallons of used oil recycled 2,107 trips on campus to retrieve hazardous waste 5,522 lbs of contraband incinerated 11,055 lbs of ballasts collected and disposed 12,212 containers of hazardous waste collected and disposed 38,103 fluorescent bulbs recycled 301,596 lbs of pathological waste incinerated Fires can play a significant role in loss of life, damage to buildings and building contents, and are one of the greatest risks we face on campus. 103 buildings inspected for life safety code compliance 798 fire safety deficiencies identified, 66% corrected 5,824 Fire Safety and Extinguisher training modules completed 39,942 fire extinguisher inspections 578,000 dollars allocated for fire safety improvements (some are ongoing) EH&S coordinates employee participation in the Occupational Medicine Program. This is accomplished through a hazard assessment process that includes site visits, exposure monitoring, and training as well as consultation with the medical staff of Occupational Medicine Clinic. 15 ergonomic evaluations completed 26 indoor air quality investigations completed 172 immunizations administered by Occupational Medicine Clinic 243 personal exposure monitoring samples collected (formaldehyde, noise, silica, respirable dust, other) 1,313 hazard assessments completed 1,450 medical tests completed 1,832 active participants in occupational medicine program