Laser Safety Manual

17 Laser Safety Manual • Spill/release containment and clean up procedures – See “Emergency P lanning“ in Section C of the Laboratory Safety Manual. SOPs must be readily available in the laboratory where the experiment or operation will be performed. SOPs should be reviewed and updated annually. Class 3B lasers/laser systems require approved written procedures if the laser beam produced is a wavelength invisible to the eye or the laser produces a continues wave visible beam of more than 15mW. All Class 4 lasers/laser systems require written SOPs for alignment, operating, maintenance, and service procedures, which have been approved by the LSO. These written SOPs shall be maintained with the laser equipment for reference by the operator and maintenance or service personnel. Special Procedures Special procedures must be developed for work involving materials or equipment that present a significant risk of exposure or damage to the human body. Examples include carcinogens, reproductive toxins, teratogens, highly toxic substances, explosives, controlled substances, select biological agents, radioactive materials, radiation producing devices, and lasers. The following special procedures must be developed and specified on the SOP. • Identify authorized personnel who may work with these materials or equipment. Authorized persons must receive training on the unique hazards of these materials or equipment before use. • Establish a designated use area (for example, a fume hood, glove box, lab bench, lasers) and identify the area with signs or postings. Restrict access to this area to authorized personnel. If an entire lab is designated, then access must be restricted to authorized personnel. • Specify special safety precautions for experiments or laboratory operations where these materials of equipment are used. Be sure to identify specialized equipment, shielding, or security requirements to be used. Laser Control Areas Class 3B and Class 4 lasers shall only be operated in laser control areas approved by the LSO. Laser control areas confine laser hazards to well-defined spaces that are entirely under the control of laser users. The control areas shall be equipped with the prescribed safety features. Operations must meet the following safe operating