Laser Safety Manual
25 Laser Safety Manual ¤¤ All listed engineering controls shall be designed and incorporated into locally built lasers and must function with the laser system. ¤¤ Exceptions shall be approved by the Laser Safety Officer (LSO). Personal Protective Equipment Despite theapplicationof all practicableengineeringandadministrative controls, on occasion it is necessary to work near an open Class 3B or Class 4 laser beam. On these occasions, personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be used to protect the eyes and skin. For more information about general lab PPE, refer to the Laboratory Safety Manual. Eye Protection Eye protection suitable to the laser class must be provided and worn within the laser control area during operation and alignment if there is a potential for exceeding the MPE limit. Protective eyewear may include goggles, face shields, spectacles, or prescription eyewear using special filter materials or reflective coatings. Exceptions may be approved in the written SOPs or by the LSO if the eyewear produces a greater hazard than when eye protection is not worn, such as in low-light situations. No single type of eyewear will provide protection against all wavelengths of laser radiation; therefore, eye protection should • provide enough visibility to move about safely • be able to withstand the maximum power of laser radiation likely to be encountered • be able to absorb the specific wavelength of radiation that is being used • be clearly labeled with its designed wavelength, the optical density at that wavelength and the maximum power rating • be inspected by the laser operator to ensure that pitting, cracking, and other damage will not endanger the wearer Lasers that can be tuned through a range of wavelengths present special problems. Broadband laser goggles may provide the level of protection required, but they must be chosen with great care. If there is any doubt regarding the suitability of a particular type of eye protection, contact the LSO for guidance. Because various wavelengths of laser radiation require different eyewear, more than one type of laser should not be run