Laser Safety Manual

26 Laser Safety Manual simultaneously in the same laboratory unless they are under the control of the same person. The laboratory must be equipped with eye protection that is suitable for the laser(s) in use. Eyewear must meet the following minimum criteria: • Eyewear must be labeled with the optical density (OD) and wavelengths for which the eyewear is designed. Labeling can be self-adhered and must be legible. • The OD on eyewear must meet the levels required for the laser application. • The protective eyewear must be appropriate for the wavelength(s) used in the laser application. • The eyewear must be inspected for pitting, crazing, cracking, etc., of the filter material. The goggle frame must also be inspected for mechanical integrity and light leaks. • The quantity of eyewear on hand must be sufficient for the expected number of daily users and visitors for each laser. • Appropriate eyewear must be used for alignment procedures. • Prescription eyewear is required to be up–to-date. A consultation with Occupational Medicine may be required to determine if a new set of eyewear is needed. • Eyewear must be stored in the lab and in a manner that preserves its condition. Storage holders supplied by the eyewear vendor are recommended. Skin Protection Clothing such as gloves and covers for the forearms may be required to protect the skin if laser intensity andwavelengthwarrant such protection. This is most important for lasers that are running in the ultraviolet region, because very large peak powers with pulsed ultraviolet lasers may be particularly dangerous. The LSO can assist in identifying protective equipment that is appropriate for the intended use. This equipment must be addressed in the written Standard Operation Procedure (SOP).