32 Radiation for Radionuclide Users Regulatory Limits for Dose to an Embryo/fetus The dose to the embryo/fetus during the entire pregnancy, due to occupational exposure of a declared pregnant worker, must not exceed 500 mrem. The dose will be the sum of the deep dose equivalent (DDE) to the declared pregnant worker and the dose to the embryo/fetus from radionuclides in the embryo/fetus and radionuclides in the declared pregnant worker. The records of dose for the embryo/fetus will be permanently kept in the declared pregnant worker’s dosimetry files. Regulatory Limits for Dose to Individual Members of the Public In general, the limits for dose to non-radiation workers and members of the public are 2 percent of the annual occupational dose limits. For the whole body dose, this would equal a TEDE of 100 mrem/year. This would be in addition to the 300 mrem/ year received on average by individuals in the United States. from natural background radiations plus an average of 55 mrem/ person/year from man-made radiation sources.