Safety Data Sheets

Splash-Proof Goggles Eye protection made of a noncorrosive material that fits snugly against the face and has indirect ventilation ports. Spontaneously Combustible A material that ignites as a result of retained heat from processing, or that will oxidize to generate heat and ignite, or that absorbs moisture to generate heat and ignite. Squamous Scaly or platelike. Also denoting layer of epithelium. Stability The ability of a material to remain unchanged. For SDS purposes, a material is stable if it remains in the same form under expected and reasonable conditions of storage or use. Conditions that may cause instability (dangerous change) are stated; for example, temperatures above 150°F.; shock from dropping. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Awritten document that details an operation, analysis, or action whose mechanisms are thoroughly prescribed and that is commonly accepted as the method for performing certain routine or repetitive tasks. Steatosis An acute reaction within the liver where lipid droplets may accumulate and produce what is known as fatty liver. STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit (ACGIH terminology). See “TLV.” Stenosis Narrowing of a body passage or opening. Steroid A complex molecule among which are the male and female sex hormones. Subcutaneous Beneath the layers of the skin. Supplied-Air Respirators Air line respirators of self-contained breathing apparatus. Syncope Fainting spell. Synonym Another name or names by which a material is known. Methyl alcohol, for example, is also known as methanol or wood alcohol. Systemic (Sys) Spread throughout the body; affecting all body systems and organs. Not localized in one spot or area. Systemic Toxicity Adverse effects caused by a substance that affects the body in a general rather than local manner. Target Organ Effects The following is a target organ categorization of effects that may occur, including examples of signs, symptoms and examples of chemicals that have been found to cause such effects. These examples are presented to illustrate the range and diversity of effects and hazards found in the workplace, and the broad