Safety Data Sheets

scope employers must consider in this area, but they are not intended to be all inclusive. ● ● Hepatoxins - Chemicals that produce liver damage. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: jaundice; liver enlargement ϽϽ Chemicals: carbon tetrachloride; nitrosamines ● ● Nephrotoxins - Chemicals that produce kidney damage. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: edema; proteinuria ϽϽ Chemicals: halogenated hydrocarbons; uranium ● ● Neurotoxins - Chemicals that produce their primary toxic effects on the nervous system. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: narcosis; behavioral changes; decrease in motor functions ϽϽ Chemicals: mercury; carbon disulfide ● ● Agents that act on blood hematopoietic system - decrease hemoglobin function; deprive the body tissues of oxygen. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: cyanosis; loss of consciousness ϽϽ Chemicals: carbon monoxide; cyanides ● ● Agents that damage the lung - chemicals that irritate or damage the pulmonary tissue. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: cough, tightness in chest, shortness of breath ϽϽ Chemicals: silica; asbestos ● ● Reproductive toxins - chemicals that adversely affect the reproductive capabilities including chromosomal damage (mutations) and affects the fetus (teratogenesis). ϽϽ Signs and symptoms - birth defects; sterility ϽϽ Chemicals: lead; DBCP ● ● Cutaneous hazards - chemicals that affect the dermal layer of the body. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: defatting of the skin; rashes; irritation ϽϽ Chemicals: ketones; chlorinated compounds ● ● Eye hazards - chemicals that affect the eye or visual capacity. ϽϽ Signs and symptoms: conjunctivitis; corneal damage ϽϽ Chemicals: organic solvents; acids Target Organ Toxin A toxic substance that attacks a specific organ of the body. For example, overexposure to carbon tetrachloride can cause liver damage. TCC Tag (Tagliabue) Closed Cup. See “Flashpoint.” TCL or TC Lo Toxic concentration low, the lowest concentration of a gas or vapor capable of producing a defined toxic effect in a specified test species over a specified time. TDL or TD Lo Toxic dose low, lowest administered dose of a material capable of producing a defined toxic effect in a specified test species. Temp Temperature. Teratogen (Ter) A substance or agent, exposure to which by a pregnant female can result in malformations in the fetus.