Sealed Source Safety Manual

12 Sealed Source Safety Manual • All rules, regulations, and procedures for the safe use of sealed sources are followed. • An accurate inventory of sealed sources is maintained. • EH&S is notified prior to any changes in the storage or use of sealed sources. • All uses of sealed sources are maintained ALARA. • All written SOPs for using sealed sources are current and accurate. • EH&S is informed when authorized personnel are no longer associated with the laboratory. • EH&S is informed prior to the PI leaving ISU or when sealed source projects are completed. Personnel Exposure and Monitoring Radiation exposure limits are based on the Linear-No Threshold dose model that assumes all radiation exposures carry some risk. To minimize risk, workers are required to keep all exposures ALARA. Engineering and administrative controls and personnel protective equipment are utilized to achieve ALARA. For additional information about the fundamentals of radioactivity and ionizing radiation, measurement of radiation, biological effects of radiation, or radiation safety for laboratory use. Occupational Dose Limits Limits for occupational radiation exposure have been established to prevent acute biological effects, such as erythema or epilation, and minimize latent biological effects, such as cancer or genetic damage. These annual limits are listed in the following table. Personnel Monitoring Licensees are require to monitor any individual that is likely to receive more than 10% of any annual occupational radiation dose limit. Workers likely to exceed a 500 mrem whole body dose or 5000 mrem extremity dose in one year will be issued a radiation dosimeter. In order for a dosimeter to provide an accurate indication of an individual's dose, it must be worn properly. For assessing whole body doses, the dosimeter should be worn on the front of the torso such as a breast pocket, lapel, or belt. For additional guidance refer to the Proper Dosimetry Use Guide on how to wear and store your dosimeter.