EH&S Style Guide
19 Example of Directory Structure Edits Each time an image is edited, the pixels comprising the element undergo degradation. Because of this, edits should never be made to the original file. Instead, the edited file should be saved with the same name followed by “edited”. Once an edited graphic has been placed into a document or presentation, it should be deleted to avoid redundancy. Proper Graphic Element Use There are certain procedures that should be used when working with graphic elements. In the case of PowerPoint presentations and Word documents, it is important to use the Insert menu when placing a graphic element into the document. Pasting increases the file size, while linking to the element will only work as long as the path to that file is maintained. Inserting optimizes the graphic for use in the given application. Copyright As more and more graphic elements are obtained via the Internet, it is important to ensure that EH&S is entitled to use a given element. As a general rule, graphics obtained from government websites are permissible. If there is a question about whether we may use an element, please contact the site owner. Often, explaining that we are with a public university is all that is needed to obtain permission to use an element.