EH&S Style Guide

5 Introduction This style guide was created to create clear, consistent, and easy to read publications by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S). It offers easy reference to some troublesome editorial issues. Because our printed and online publications represents the university and EH&S, written style and graphic standards are vital to our image. The EH&S Style Guide has been adapted from guidelines set forth by the Office of University Marketing , it notes specific rules and usage guidelines to be followed by staff. Remember that when all else fails, consistency is key. All publications have one thing in common, no matter where they originate: they can only be effective if they reflect consistency and clarity in their messages. These style guidelines will help writers produce effective documents that reflect the high quality standards of the department and the university. This is not a comprehensive style guide. Also, many of the guidelines stated in this manual may conflict with those in other style guides. This style guide was produced in an effort to recommend the preferred document styles based on the needs, requirements, and preferences of our audiences. It is a means to clarify and supplement what styles are currently being used within the university and EH&S. In the event that a conflict does arise between this and other guides, this style guide takes precedence.