EH&S Style Guide
8 Clarity Information is complete when it communicates in a concise, straightforward manner substantive ideas. Excessive or irrelevant information impedes communication just as much as missing or poorly explained information. Redundancy State informationonlyonceunlessemphasis isnecessaryor repetitiongreatly increasescommunication effectiveness. If information is required to be repeated, be sure to present it in the same way wherever it appears. Language Use language appropriate for the audience. Avoid jargon if possible. Consistent Terminology Use the same terms throughout a document and even across multiple documents to refer to a single item or concept. Abbreviations, Terms, and Concepts Make sure abbreviations and acronyms are spelled out on first use in each section or chapter. Define and explain terms and concepts on first use. Parallel Structure Use parallel structure to express similar ideas and within each sentence. For example, begin all items in a list with verbs. Maintain consistency of person, tense and tone. Organization Good organization means arranging concepts and tasks in a practical order for the audience and type of document. Headings should be logically and hierarchically categorized. Conceptual, instructional, and reference information should be presented in a logical sequence.