16 X-Ray Safety will be forwarded to the PI. The notification will include a description of possible modifications to the project necessary to obtain approval. Summary of the Radiation Authorization Application, Review and Approval Process 1. PI completes application. 2. PI submits completed application and supporting documents to EH&S. 3. EH&S reviews application. 4. EH&S submits application with recommendations to RSC. 5. RSC reviews application. 6. RSC notifies EH&S of their decision. 7. EH&S notifies PI and arranges details to set up the laboratory. X-Ray Authorization Amendments Modifications to a PI’s authorization may be requested through EH&S. Minor changes, such as changes in personnel, additional projects, or changes in location are reviewed and approved by the RSO. Extensive changes to the authorization such as: adding devices or new radiation procedures will be subject to the same review and approval process as the original application. Adding Authorized Personnel Authorized personnel are added through the training process. If authorized personnel join another radiation laboratory the change must be submitted to EH&S. You must list the active PI who has approved your addition to their x-ray authorization. Use the web form application. EH&S will send updated authorizations after appropriate approvals are received. Note: All new protocols must be approved by the RSC.