19 X-Ray Safety X-Ray Users Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) provides training to individuals who wish to work with x-ray systems or other RPDs. This training involves a review of the particular system or device including its typical radiation levels and safety features, shielding techniques, radiation-related health risks, and applicable rules and regulations. Online x-ray safety training is available at Learn@ISU. When applicable, device operators may be required to complete additional training as specified by the manufacturer. Frequency of manufacturer’s training is established by the manufacturer. Annual x-ray retraining is available through Learn@ISU; X-ray Safety Fundamentals or X-ray Safety Fundamentals for VCS. PIs and authorized personnel will be notified by EH&S to complete the training during the January to February retraining period. Those who do not complete the annual retraining within the established time frame will be removed as authorized personnel. Awareness Training for Laboratory Personnel Anyone working in laboratories that are not approved radiation personnel, but have access to locations where radiation is used, are required to complete Radiation Awareness training. Topics include a basic introduction to radiation; recognizing the meaning of radiation symbols and warning signs; and understanding safety rules, security rules and emergency procedures when working in a radiation laboratory. This training is required when personnel join a laboratory, and every three years thereafter. Service Personnel Working in a Radiation Laboratory The radiation awareness training provides non-laboratory support staff, such as custodians and maintenance workers, with an overview of basic radiation safety. Participants will learn what is required of them when providing services for laboratories where radiation is used. Topics include a basic introduction to radiation; recognizing the meaning of radiation symbols and warning signs; and understanding safety rules and emergency procedures when entering a laboratory containing radioactive materials. This training is required prior to providing services to a radiation laboratory and every three years thereafter. Radiation Awareness training is an online course available through Learn@ISU.