32 X-Ray Safety M. Emergency Planning When planning for emergencies, be sure to communicate hazards through postings/signage and have procedures in place for personnel to follow. Postings and Signs Post the following information at the main entrance to each laboratory: • Names and phone numbers of the laboratory supervisor and other responsible parties to be contacted in the event of an accident, fire, or spill. • Special hazards that may be encountered in the laboratory (biohazardous material, cylinders, radioactive material, etc.). • Safety instructions for persons entering the laboratory, such as access restrictions, required protective equipment, etc (chemical resistant apron or N95 respirator). • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 704 diamond (supplied by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) upon request once chemical inventory is submitted). The interior of the laboratory must be posted with the following: • Emergency Action Plan near the exit. Development of the Emergency Action Plan will be discussed in the next section. • Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Area sign to designate the location where laboratory waste will accumulate until it is collected by EH&S. Refer to Waste and Recycling Guidelines. • Signs identifying location of safety equipment (fire extinguisher, safety shower, eyewash fountain, etc.). Refer to Laboratory Safety Manual for specific information on required signage and posting locations. • Signs, labels, and/or warning/caution tape identifying designated use and storage areas for materials or equipment requiring special procedures. Refer to Laboratory Safety Manual All required signage and postings are available from EH&S upon request at (515) 294-5359 or EH&S. Emergency Action Plan The principal investigator and/or laboratory supervisor must develop an emergency action plan for their laboratory. An Emergency Action Plan template and sample have been developed to help address the following emergency issues: