Laser Safety Manual

35 Laser Safety Manual I. Disposal and Transfer of Lasers Laser laboratories need to ensure the proper disposal of contaminated laser-related material, such as flue and smoke filters, organic dyes, and solvent solutions. Unwanted Lasers and Laser Systems The following minimum guidelines are required when dealing with unwanted lasers or laser systems. • ensure all hazardous substances have been removed and the equipment decontaminated • ensure a complete Laboratory Equipment Disposal Form has been forwarded to EH&S • verify that Environmental Health andSafety (EH&S) has inspected/ tested the equipment and authorized transfer and/or disposal through ISU Surplus • for disposal of laserswithinAmes Laboratory, contact Environment, Safety, Health (ESH) (515) 294-2153 On-Campus Transfer of Lasers and Laser Systems Whenever lasers are transferred from one laboratory to another, the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) must be notified and provided with the following information: • when the laser will be transferred • the names of the person(s) transferring and receiving the laser • the sending and receiving locations • phone numbers of responsible person(s) EH&S or ESH will update the laser inventory for both laboratories and perform a laser hazard assessment in the new location. Off-Campus Transfer of Lasers and Laser Systems When planning to transport or ship a laser or laser system off campus, EH&S or ESH must be informed in advance to determine correct shipping conditions. The laboratory is responsible for all costs associated with laser shipments. The LSO must be provided with the following information: • when the laser will be transferred • the names of the person(s) transferring and receiving the laser • the sending and receiving locations • phone numbers of responsible person(s) Generators of this unwanted material must manage them as outlined in the Waste and Recycling Guidelines , Biosafety Manual , Radioactive Materials Manual, and Laser Safety Manual .