EH&S is sustainability in action.
EH&S used sustainable methods to reduce, reuse, renew, and recycle, promoting balance between
people, materials, energy, and the environment.
EH&S conserved enough energy to power the department’s overhead lights for three and one-half
months by shutting down idle computers. EH&S staff reduced the department’s electrical use by
fifteen percent and maintained that reduction through 2014. As an ISU van pool driver, one staff
member demonstrated that small efforts can create meaningful results. That van pool saved a
road miles among the seven passengers traveling to and from work.
EH&S fostered green efforts through recycling
• Glass
• Cardboard, paper, and telephone books
• Ferrous and non-ferrous metals
• Used oil
• Fluorescent lamps
• Ballasts
EH&S re-purposed solvent drums and totes from the Iowa
Department of Corrections to manage laboratory waste disposal
and cardboard recycling. EH&S also redistributed
of reagent-grade chemicals and solvents to research laboratories,
diverting materials from commercial disposal.
EH&S lives green, leads green, and saves green.