Ergonomics Introduction

What Is Ergonomics? 5
Examples of Ergonomic Injuries / Illnesses 5
Signs and Symptoms of an MSD 6
Ergonomics Programs At Iowa State University 6
Worksite Evaluations 6
Causes of MSDs 7
Ergonomic Features to Look For 8
Accessory Installation and Furniture Alterations 8
Information and Ergonomics Training 8
Work-Related Injuries, Illnesses or Exposures 9
OSHA Ergonomic Regulations 10
Directory of Service and Emergency Providers 3
What Is Ergonomics? 5
Examples of Ergonomic Injuries / Illnesses 5
Signs and Symptoms of a MSD 6
Ergonomics Programs at Iowa State University 6
Worksite Evaluation 6
Causes of MSDs 7
Contact stress 7
Awkward postures 7
Forceful exertions 7
Repetition 7
Vibration 7
Ergonomic Features to Look For 8
Keyboard trays 8
Chairs 8
Accessory Installation and Furniture Alterations 8
Information and Ergonomics Training 8
Online Training 9
Work-Related Injuries, Illnesses, or Exposures 9
Medical Emergencies 9
Reporting 9
Student Accidents and Injuries 10
OSHA Ergonomic Regulations 10
University Nondiscrimination Statement 11