User Guide - Safety Training Profile Customization and Assig - page 19

Watch this tutorial!
Now let’s takea lookat theRoom SpecificTab. This tab isuseful to identify learningmodules and
resources that are specific toa certain room. Learningmodules, assessments and resources canall
be foundhere. These itemsare submitted toEH&Sby thosewhooversee shopsand labson campus.
Items can includeassessmentsor room specific trainingdocuments. Contact EH&S if youhave
trainingor resources youwould like tohave included. Continueon toviewhow touse theRoom
Specific tab.
Select theRoom Specific tab from themenu.
Choose thebuilding from thebuilding list. Aquickway to findabuilding is to click in the list and
then type the first few lettersof thebuildingyouneed. Clickon thebuildingname. Clickon the
downarrow in the room list field. Choose the roomneeded.
Environmental HealthandSafety