EH&S 2016 Annual Report
Just the Facts
Speedy Delivery
The implementation of a new online Hazardous
Materials Shipping system saved time for
minutes: Average time saved by campus
shippers per shipment.
of campus shippers found the online
hazardous materials shipment system provided
more up-to-date information about their shipment
of campus shippers stated the new online
hazardous materials shipment system saves
them time when submitting hazardous shipment
Advancing the future through
EH&S continued technology enhancements in
2016 to enhance user experiences on various
technology platforms. EH&S and ITS staff
completed over
unique tasks related to
technology platforms to provide a more efficient
user experience.
Sharing Knowledge with the World
EH&S online publications are not only used by Iowa State University faculty, students, and staff, they are used
globally. In 2016, EH&S publications were viewed by individuals in over
countries around the world.
A Radical Way to Think about
EH&S continues to ensure radiation workers
are safe on campus when exposed to radiation.
Radiation workers at Iowa State are exposed
to one millirem of radiation while working on
campus. In comparison, when an individual has
a common medical procedure they are exposed
to an average of 112 millirem of radiation.
EH&S continues its commitment to keep worker
exposure to radiation as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA).