Frequently Asked Questions - page 2

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I’m sickofmeaninglessacronyms!What isMTN?
MTN stands forManager TrainingNeeds. It is a toolmeant for a supervisoror someone ina
supervisory role touse to identi1fyandassign trainingand resources to thepeopleheor she
oversees. This toolwasdeveloped to replace theMyTrainingNeeds tool found inMyMenu.
Whereas individuals completed theirownMyTrainingNeedswith input from their supervisor; the
supervisorwill complete theMTN. A supervisory role couldbeanacademic instructor, aPI in charge
of a researchprogram, a labor shop supervisoror amanager/supervisor inanydepartment at ISU.
Is it required that I use theMTN tool ifmy studentswill beusinga labor shop?
Useof theMTN tool through theBlackboard LearnSafetyContent link isnot requiredunless your
shopdooror equipment iswired for access control or your department requires it. Even if it isnot
required, youmay find the tool helpful for identifying trainingand resources thatwill better enable
you tomake safetypart of thebottom line inyour academic course.
Why should I use theSafetyContent link?
Therearedistinct advantages tousing theSafetyContent linkwhenadding safety content to your
academic course. The SafetyContent link:
Gives youaccess to safety trainingand resources you canassign toyour students.
Displays theassignment for the students in theBlackboard LearnContent area.
Automatically generatesBlackboard Learngradebookentries for eachassignment.
Automatically records grades for assignments completedby the students.
Allows you todetermineaccess to rooms and/or equipment that havekeycardaccess.
Only you candecidewhether ornot touse the SafetyContent link.
I supervise/mentor/sponsor anacademic clubat ISU. Can I use theSafetyTraining linkandMTN tool
even thougha club isnot anacademic course?
Yes, you canuse the SafetyTraining linkandMTN tool. Contact Blackboard Learn to findout how to
set upyourorganization throughBlackBoard Learn.Once youhave this accomplished follow the
instructions for settingupaSafetyTrainingProfile.
What is theprocessof adding safety training tomyacademic courseor club?
Thereare fouroverall steps involvedwhenusing theSafetyTraining Link to incorporate safety
training intoyour academic courseor club. These steps are:
Customize the safety trainingprofile for your course.
Evaluateanddefineyour students’ needs for access to certain roomsor equipment.
Completea safetyassessment.
Assign these items toyour students.
The tutorialson foundon theManagingYour SafetyTrainingProfilewebsitedemonstrate just how
easy it is toadd the SafetyTraining link toyour Blackboard Learn courseor clubanduse it to
incorporate safety trainingand resources intoyour students’ learningexperience.
Environmental HealthandSafety