If I use theAccessControl tab to request access toa roomor equipmentwhenwillmy students gain
Studentswill gainaccessonlyafter completingall the learningmodules and the resources assigned
by you through the SafetyTrainingProfile. Useof theAccessControl tabmakes completionof
traininga conditionof access.
How longwill studentshaveaccess toa roomor equipment?
Studentswill haveaccess to rooms(s) and/or equipment for thedate range youdefineaspart of
submittingyour request using theAccessControl tabunless the student doesnot completeall
requirements associatedwith the request or the student dropsout of theacademic course forwhich
theaccess isneeded. Thedaily standardizedaccess timesare:
Monday– Friday 07:00am–10:00pm
Saturday 08:00am–08:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm–10:00pm
Implementationof thebuddy system is requiredat all times.
My studentsdonot needaccess toanyparticular room. Can I still use theSafetyContent Link to
assign training?
Yes, you canuse the SafetyContent Link toassign training to your students. Just skipover theAccess
Control tabwhen completing the safetyassessment.
Completing theSafetyAssessment
Watch this tutorial!
What is theSafetyAssessment?
The SafetyAssessment is the learningmodules and resources you choosebasedon theactivities,
hazards andareasofworkof your students. Use theRoles,Hazards, SafetyEquipment,Operates
MotorVehiclesandMachinery, Special Permits, Licenses andProcedures, andRoomSpecific tabs to
complete your safetyassessment.
I triedgoing through theSafetyAssessment butwithall those foldersopen I keep losingmyplaceand
frankly this is confusing!
It isbest toexpand the contentsof one folder at a time to find learningmodulesor resources
related toa folder. Learningmodules and resources appear as italicized text. Clickon the folder in
the first column for it toappear in the second column. Expandeach folderoneat a time in the
second column. Placea checkmark in theboxnext to the learningmoduleor resource youwould
like to include inyour SafetyTrainingProfile.Once youhavemadeyour selectionsuse thearrow to
collapse the folder. All of your selectionsmarked in the second columnwill appear in the third
I’m fillingoutmySafetyAssessment.What do the checkmarksandblackboxesbyeach foldermean?
Theboxesnext to the folders fill as you select the learningmodulesand resources in folder
structures. Anemptyboxmeansno learningmodulesor resourceshavebeen selected. Ablack
squaremeansonly somewere selected. A checkmarkmeans all listedunder that folder havebeen
Environmental HealthandSafety