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Howdo I assign the contentsof theSafetyTrainingProfile tomy students?
The Finish tabdisplays all learningmodules and resources youhave selected. Review this list. Group
andTypedisplay the taband folder inwhich theassignment originated. If youarenot satisfiedwith
the list of assignments return to the taband folderof choice tomodify your selection.Whenyouare
satisfiedwith the list of assignments clickonFinishat thebottomof the screen tomake theSafety
TrainingProfileavailable toyour students.
What is theDaysdue fieldused for?Do I have toput avalue in this field?
Using theDaysdueallowsyou toassignanoptional duedate for eachassignment.Once students
open the SafetyTrainingProfile theywill see thenumber of days theyhave to completeeach
assignment. Pleasenote thedaysdue information from this field isnot transferredback to
Blackboard Learn.
Do I have toadda column for each learningmoduleand resource I assign tomy students through the
Youdonot have toadda column for each learningmoduleand resource.Within24hoursof
creatingyour SafetyTrainingProfile columnsandgradeswill start topopulate your gradebookbased
on student completionof assignments.Oncea student completes theassignment, a columnwill
appear in thegradebook. Checkgrades as younormallywould for other assignments youhave
assigned to students.
I’m lookingatmygrade center and I see columnnames that contain letters, numbers anddashes, and
just abunchof “1”s for grades. Is thisnormal?
Yes this isnormal. Completion is trackedby learningmoduleand resource IDs.Anumber “1” in the
grade column indicates a student has successfully completed the learningmoduleor resource
Itwouldbeeasier forme if thegrade center columnnamewas something I couldeasily recognize. Can
I change the columnname?
Donot change the columnname. Changing the columnnamewill break theprogram the
automaticallyupdates thegrades for that column. However, you canprovidea label at theGrade
Center level by typing thenameyou choose into the fieldprovided forGradeCenterName.
Environmental HealthandSafety