Revising your existingSafetyTrainingProfile
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Can I revisemySafetyTrainingProfile?
Yes, after youhave createdaSafetyTrainingProfile, you can revise it if needed.
Howoften should I revisemy safety trainingprofile?
SafetyTrainingProfiles canbe revisedat any time. It is recommended that, at aminimum, Safety
TrainingProfilesbe reviewedevery semester theacademic course isoffered. Learningmodulesand
resourcesmaybeadded toor removed from the templateyou initiallyused to createyour Profile.
Reviewingyour SafetyTrainingProfileallows you to take intoaccount these changes. Part of this
review is submitting the request for access to rooms and/or equipment using theAccessControl
Howdo I revisemySafetyTrainingProfile?
Watch theRevisingyour SafetyTrainingProfile tutorial. The stepsoutlined in thisquick videowill
demonstratehow to reviseyour SafetyTrainingProfile.
Cloning your SafetyTrainingProfile
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I instruct twoacademic courseswith similar requirementsdo I have togo through theentireprocess
of creatingaSafetyTrainingProfile for each course?
If you instructmore thanoneacademic coursewith similar requirements youmay cloneanexisting
SafetyTrainingProfile foruse inanother academic course.
Howdo I cloneaSafetyTrainingProfile?
To cloneanexistingSafetyTrainingProfileuse theSafetyTraining link inanacademic course that
doesnot alreadyhaveaSafetyTrainingProfileassociatedwith it. Pick theProfileyouwish to clone
list on the lower half of theTemplateSelectionpage. Follow the stepsdemonstrated in theCloning
Your ExistingSafetyTrainingProfile tutorial.
Domy studentshave to complete trainingassigned to themmore thanonce?
No. If a student is assigned the same learningmodule in twodifferent academic courses, the student
onlyneeds to complete the learningmoduleone time. If a learningmodulehasexpired the student
will need to retake it.
Environmental HealthandSafety