LearningModules andResources:
RadiationSafety forMaterial Users–Part 4, PerformanceBasedTraining
This laboratorypracticum is the final part of a four part series individualsneed to complete inorder to
use radioactivematerials at IowaStateUniversity. Part 4 - PerformanceBasedTraining is a laboratory
classroom session that coverspracticalmethods for ensuring the safeuseof radioactivematerials. The
prerequisite for this session is to successfully completeandpassPart 1, Part 2andPart 3online.
Participants in this sessionare required todress for the laboratory includingwearing closed toeand
closedheel shoes.
Bringyour complete
signedby yourPI, to thePart 4 session.
Youwill not beallowed to completePart 4without this application.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-PRT4-2011-CL
RadiationSafety forNon-RadiationWorkers inaRadiation Laboratory
Thisonline learningmoduleprovidesnon-radiationworkers in radiation labswithanoverviewof basic
radiation safety. Participantswill learnwhat is requiredof themwhenworking in laboratories inwhich
radioactivematerials areused. Topics includeabasic introduction to radiation; recognizing themeaning
of radiation symbols andwarning signs; andunderstanding safety rules, security rules andemergency
procedureswhenoperating ina lab containing radioactivematerials.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-NONR-2007-ON
SafeguardingMechanical Hazards
Thepurposeof this classroom session is to teach the critical needof proper safeguardingofmechanical
hazards. Thedifferent typesofmechanical hazards andassociatedguards are covered. Common
unguardedmechanical hazards foundon campus areanalyzed.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-HAZ-MECH-2007-CL
ScaffoldSafetyprovides adetailedoverviewof thehazards related toportableanderected scaffold
systems, including recognitionandpreventionof thosehazards to safeguardworkers, propertyand the
public. The course includeshands-onpractice inerectinganddismantlinga scaffold.
Payment of $55.00 isdueat least oneweekbefore training.Mail check toEnvironmental Healthand
Safety, 2809DaleyDrive, Ames, IA50011-3660or fax intramural to294-9357. Youmust cancelwithin48
hoursof the trainingor youwill still be charged. Payment of $55.00 isdueat least oneweekbefore
training.Mail check toEnvironmental HealthandSafety, 2809DaleyDrive, Ames, IA50011-3660or fax
intramural to294-9357. Youmust cancelwithin48hoursof the trainingor youwill still be charged.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-EQP-SCAF-2007-CL
Environmental HealthandSafety