LearningModules andResources:
Electrical Safetyand Lockout/Tagout
This classroom sessionwill cover basicelectrical safety concepts and lockout/tagout requirements,
including recognitionof hazardous energy sourcesandprocedures for energy isolation.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-ELOTO-WRKR-2007-CL
Fall Protection
ThisOSHA-required trainingwill provideparticipantswith informationon IowaState's fall protection
policy, fall hazardassessments, preventionand control of fall hazards and fall protection systems.
Anyoneworkingonelevated surfaces (greater than4 feet) is required toattend this training.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-PPE-FALL-2007-CL
FireSafetyandExtinguisher Training–Classroom
Fire safetyandextinguisher training is required for thoseemployeeswhohave jobs that involve
laboratoryprocesses, hotworkor similar duties. Fire safetyandextinguisher training is recommended
for all other ISUemployees.
Fire SafetyandExtinguisher Trainingprovideshands-onpracticeusinga fireextinguisher inaddition to
classroom instruction. The course covers safetyandemergencyprocedures for preventingand
responding toa fireemergency. Participants learn common ignition sourcesof fires andgoodpractices
for the storageof flammableand combustiblematerialswith thegoal of preventing fires;what toknow
anddoaheadof time inorder tobeprepared for a fireemergency; theproper steps to take in theevent
of a fire;when tousea fireextinguisher andhow tohandle theextinguisher byputtingout a simulated
Learnerswhowant topracticeusinga fireextinguisher canattend the final 20minutesof the classroom
session to receivehands-onuseof a fireextinguisher. Check the Scheduleonyour dashboardor call
294-5359. (Thepractice time is
a recorded training.)
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-FIRE-INTL-2012-CL
FireSafetyandExtinguisher Training–Online
Thisonline learningmodulemaybe taken to fulfill the training requirement for thosewhodonot havea
fireextinguisher requiredaspart of theirworkenvironment. This course reviews safetyandemergency
procedures forpreventingand responding toa fireemergency; common ignition sourcesof firesand
goodpractices for the storageof flammableand combustiblematerialswith thegoal of preventing fires;
and reviewswhat toknowanddoaheadof time inorder tobeprepared for a fireemergency; the
proper steps to take in theevent of a fire; andwhen tousea fireextinguisher andhow tohandle the
extinguisher byputtingout a simulated fire.
Learnerswhowant topracticeusinga fireextinguisher canattend the final 20minutesof the classroom
session to receivehands-onuseof a fireextinguisher. Check the calendar scheduleor call 294-5359.
(Thepractice time is
a recorded training.)
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label:HLS-FIRE-2007-ON
Environmental HealthandSafety