LearningModules andResources:
LaboratorySafety: Chemical Storageand FumeHoods
This classroom session isoneof severalmodules designed toprovide safety informationon specific topic
areas that relate to laboratoryactivities. This format enablesparticipants to select topics thatwill
benefit their specificoperations and supplements training requiredby the Laboratory SafetyManual.
Thismodule covers safe chemical storagemethodsandproper fumehooduse.
Participantswill learnwhat to includeona chemical container label, how to submit chemical inventories
toEH&S, and common fumehoodusageproblems andhow toavoid them.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-LAB-CHEM-2007-CL
LaboratorySafety: CompressedGasCylinders
This isoneof several learningmodules designed toprovide safety informationon specific topicareas
that relate to laboratoryactivities. Thisonline learningmoduleprovides laboratorypersonnelwith
informationonhow towork safelywith compressedgas cylinders.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-LAB-GASCY-2011-ON
LaboratorySafety: CoreConcepts
This isoneof several learningmodulesdesigned toprovide safety informationon specific topicareas
that relate to laboratoryactivities. Thisonline learningmodulewill introduce you to the Laboratory
SafetyManual andwill outline information thatwill assist you inworking safely in the
laboratory. Participantswill learn responsibilities as related to laboratory safety, basic laboratory safety
practices, toassesshazards in the laboratory, touse resources todeterminehazard controlmeasures
and to incorporate information from safety references, suchas the Laboratory SafetyManual andSDSs,
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: LSG-LAB-CORE-2013-ON
LaboratorySafety: Laboratory Inspections
This isoneof several learningmodules designed toprovide safety informationon specific topicareas
that relate to laboratoryactivities. This classroom session laboratorypersonnelwith informationon
how to conduct effective laboratory safety surveys.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-LAB-INSP-2007-CL
LaboratorySafety: Spill Procedures
This isoneof several learningmodulesdesigned toprovide safety informationon specific topicareas
that relate to laboratoryactivities. This classroom sessionprovides laboratorypersonnelwith
informationonhow tomanage spillsof common laboratory chemicals.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-LAB-SPILL-2007-CL
Environmental HealthandSafety