LearningModules andResources:
Thisonline learningmodulewill qualify the trainee touse radioactivematerial sealed sources. Topics
covered in the trainingarebasic radiationphysics, personal protection, biological effectsof radiation,
potential hazards, emergencyprocedures, general radiation safetyprocedures, rules and regulations.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: RAD-LAB-SRC-2008-ON
SelectAgent Information forVeterinaryDiagnosticians
Thisonline learningmodulewill provide information todiagnosticians about Select Agents, the Select
Agent programat ISU, andwhat todo if you isolateaSelect Agent.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: BIO-SSA-VET-2010-ON
SevereStormSpotter Training
Severe Storm Spotter Training, presentedby theNationalWeather Service, DesMoines, contains
informationabout severeweather climatology, severe thunderstorm types, different severeweather
threats andhow to identify them, how to report severeweather, spotter safetyand severeweather
communications. The training is especiallyencouraged for departments that havepeopleworking
outdoors, but isopen toall ISU faculty, staff and students.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: ERP-SPOTTER-CL
ShopSafety Fundamentals –BasicProcedures andPolicies
Thisonline learningmodule coversbasicprocedures andpolicies for academic shop settings.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: ACD-COE-FOSS-2014-ON
Spill Control andStormwater PollutionPrevention
This classroom sessionwill give ISUemployeesanunderstandingof activities that impact stormwater
qualityon the ISU campus. Instructionwill direct employees todeveloppositivepractices that relate to
pollutionprevention.Oil Spill PreventionandCountermeasures. TheSPCC training covers information
ongeneral releaseprediction, prevention, and control of oil spillson the ISUCampus. Instruction for
mitigationof oil spills andprocedures for reporting releasesof oil isdetailed.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: ENV-HAZ-STRM-2007-CL
Sprains andStrainsPrevention
This classroom sessiondefines sprains and strains, discusses their causes anddescribesmethods
employees canuse toprevent these typesof injuries fromoccurringwithin theworkplace.
BlackBoard LearnGradeCenter column label: HLS-ERGO-WRK-2007-CL
Environmental HealthandSafety